St. John the Baptist
Romanian Orthodox Church
501 East School St, Woonsocket, RI 02895

"Join Us in Prayer and Worship in Our Orthodox Faith!" 


WELCOME to the web site of St. John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church.  On this site you will find information about our parish community and our programs and ministries. The Saint John the Baptist Romanian Orthodox Church is a parish under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America.   We are located in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, and although we have a small community, we try to maintain and enforce our Orthodox traditions, as well as work towards parish growth. Our doors are always open to all people who want to learn our faith and grow in Orthodoxy.


BINE ATI VENIT pe site-ul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române Sfântul Ioan Botezatorul, Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Sperăm că informaţia de faţă vă va face o impresie bună despre familia parohiei noastre, şi vă invităm să ne vizitaţi şi să vă alăturaţi nouă dacă sunteţi in căutarea unei case spirituale.  Uşile noastre sunt deschise tuturor - atât credincioşilor născuţi în America cât şi în România - care doresc să trăiască şi să înveţe Sfânta Credinţă Ortodoxă: Credinţa lăsată de Hristos apostolilor Lui, iar de la aceştia prin Biserică, peste veacuri, nouă astăzi

Our Church

We are pleased to have you visit our web site. We hope that your visit will give you a glimpse of the Orthodox Church through the parish community of Saint John the Baptist Church Woonsocket.  We want to extend our sincere invitation to visit and worship with us.

For informations about Religious Services Call


You can reach Father Onisie Morar at:

401-766-3343 or for Emergencies: 401-527-7206 or e-mail him at

  Every Saturday 

 Vespers Services 7PM & Confessions for all who want to take Communion on  Sunday!!


From the Web Master
This site is updated frequently. Please let us know if you notice any errors, so that we can correct them. We are also very grateful for any suggestions as to how to make this site more informative.