Let us light a Candle on your behalf!
You will be able to to send a special message that this candle honors. The Priest or Parish Council Member will light the candle for you. Click on the botton below to send a donation in behalf candles. Please note in the memo the reason for the candle and we will follow up with you! Thank you for your donation! Here are the choices.
1(one) 10" Beeswax Candle $2
1(one) 15" Beeswax Candle $3
1(one) White Parafin Candle $10
1(one) 7-Day Glass Jar Candle $10
1 (one) Easter Parafin Candle & Safety Cup $5
NOTE: Orthodox Web Solutions has teamed up with Tithe.ly for online donation processing. Their services are widely used by many Orthodox Churches.
Over sixteen thousand churches and ministries are using Tithe.ly weekly to raise funds, increase engagement, and manage their church. Tithe.ly is a highly regarded service and they are directly integrated with our software for secure payments.
If you are donating a candle "for the Good Health of..." or in "Memory of ..." please email Fr. Onisie at fr.onisie@gmail.com or complete the form next to the donate button with the names (PLEASE SPECIFY : FOR LIVING or DECEASED) so Father can add them to the prayer list.